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This game is very nice!

The Undertale combat style, the amazing graphics, the great and almost too gameboy-ish sound effects... It all adds up to the greatness of this game.

The graphics really stood out to me for two reasons. They are very very professional and well made. The sprites, the animations, all of it breathes professionalism. Although, a great point of a game can alaso be its Achilles' heel, which happens to be the case. By being such a good looking game, it ends up being just that. A good looking game with a Gameboy palette. I have noticed with a couple of submissions in this game that people tend to forget the lack of sprite work adds to the gameboy feel that a game can have. The sprite and animation works in this game are so good they end up damaging the Gameboy-ness of this game, being only saved by the accurate sound effects that feel like they really bellong in a GB game.

The way the save house is supposed to work isn't really that explicit. Actually, it isn't at all. It's just an empty house, which leaves you wondering if you need to interact with something there. I tried interacting with everything but to no avail. No sounds, no pop-ups, nothing. I thought something had happened, i decided to give it the benefit of the doubt but once I died and went back to the beginning, I had understood the two save houses I had gotten in were useless.

Talking about the save system, after I lost and started the game again, the whole screen was black besides the character, no matter where I went.

The gameplay is fun for those who like UT or never really experienced that type of combat. Although, it becomes a bit dull and repetitive (at least in the beginning. I only played a bit, until the caves, then I died. It's just walking to the next screen & finishing up the enemies. 

But all in all, it's a very well made game! Congratulations! :)

(1 edit)

thanks for the positive feedback!
it appears that you have encountered two bugs with the saving system in the game.

1. inside of the save houses there is supposed to be a old man you can talk to, it sounds like none of the npc's spawned for you. 

2. because there was no one to save with, the game loaded a empty save when you died and pressed retry, placing the player at 32,32 (which is his starting point) and also not loading in any of the object.

these have been fixed in the post jam version of the game. though i believe i need to wait for voting to end to update it.