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This game is really good. The 8 game modes are each unique and provide a different way to play the game. There is also a lot of polish, and it's especially nice that the game saves high scores and game mode progress. Only complaint is that I wish the movement was more like the actual asteroids where you can freely move around. Also, it's pretty weird that the game says it requires something to be installed when opening it up, and you also can't close it once it's open unless you use the in-game exit button or end it via task manager.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!
I considered movement, but decided to only include the aiming mode, like a turret game, just to make difficulty adjustment easier for me. (How fast new asteroids are created, the amount of health you have, ect.)
You can press R to retry the current mode you have selected, you can press esc to return to the main menu if you are in a game, and you can close the game by pressing esc once you're in the main menu or one of its side-menus.  Additionally, there is an Exit button you can use.

Now about that thing that requires something to be installed before opening, yea I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't come across this issue.
Maybe your antivirus is preventing exe files from creating new files. The game makes a .sav file to store your progress. That's probably what's happening.

No, it saves just fine. The problem is that it tells me to install something called "DirectPlay" whenever I launch it. It plays just fine if I don't install it, but it's still pretty weird. Here's an image of what I'm talking about:


Huh. Weird. Sorry, but I have no idea how to fix this. I don't even know where to begin with this one... sorry...