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(1 edit)

Hey StarDragon, I loved your game, there was so much in it to do and explore! The different powers all make a lot of fun and I was surprised to see how many you managed to pack into the game :) Everything works so well, the controls and mechanics are already pretty tight, although you could finetune the ghost mechanic a little bit.
Besides that, great idea to have two basic ways to attack (besides the powers)makes it more fun to switch between tactics.

The music is absolutely lovely, fun, not to much repetition, but "backgroundy" enough to forget it after a while :)

Unfortunately I got stuck in the room with the turtle after I accidentally dropped it's power. Kibu's eyes went grey and he didn't respond to any directional inputs, but could still jump and attack.

PS: Plays great on a controller too!

PPS: Also. Hooray for color palettes!