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To Unbounded:

SC isn't forgotten because made the NU (narrow union idk if you were there) joined several clans into an alliance including SC so sc still kinda know by old player in NU

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

good to see sop n kits and tkpvn (some new trash make me realize that tk actually vedy good person) too

Its good to see me too


ok thx 

Ik im a bit late but what other clans are in nu?

bowboi I DONT SEE SC

"stabby stabby clan" xD


still part of dat

its the greatest name ever

if you don't have sc role it won't show 

bro I’ve been in SC before I got on discord ._.

yeah i don't have time to get on much 

should've asked havoc but ill give ya the role

nvm I got it fixed 

hmmm.... about 938020710293847091

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About??? very precise but thx lol

im old player?!

either old or educated about the history idk

I feel like second 👍