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I got 3 new ideas :D (even though you probably wont add it anytime soon[or at all] cuz its too much work and the last update came today)

1. A way to unlock new levels - By having a low total time from all levels till now, you unlock a new set of levels

2. The Hub being a level itself

3. Having levels that need colectables to finish

Well I'm working on alot of projects at the same time right now, but I can add some of these ideas to a "to-do" list to come back to later

1. I've thought about this, but I like the idea of having all the levels open to everybody more than unlockable levels

2. What do you mean by this? The hub having checkpoints?

3. That's an interesting idea, I like that

2. Hub having both checkpoints and a goal and showing your time just like regular levels

Oh, well the hub is really just a way to get from level to level, so idk about that

Just a suggestion.

But with new levels at least checkpoints would be nice

Yeah, I think I might add checkpoints, it could get annoying to have to walk all the way up the hub level to get to a higher level
