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A member registered Mar 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah that might've been good, although this was supposed to be based off the OG versions which didn't have that feature :)

Haha nice! Good to see you back, might update the game soon... what new mechanic would you like to see? (Something to change up the level layout, kinda like the ice tiles) For now I'm thinking some springs that launch you when you jump on them

That's ok; it's probably the lack of competition, I completely understand!

Oh, well then I might try to get a good Any% run

Nevermind for some reason livesplit lags my computer to hault, I guess the Linux version is flawed

I'll leave the speedrunning to you then XD

Very cool! I'll have to submit a few runs

It would probably be just cosmetic, but I've had ideas to add more movement options like a hang-glider, or a propeller hat

(1 edit)

Oh ok i'll delete the comment LOL

Yeah I think we should keep the forum leaderboard, but the leaderboard definitely feels more "official" so hopefully people will submit more runs there


Aight I just made one, you can add me at eboatwright

idk maybe we could keep it for "historical" purposes hahaha

I think moving to would make it harder for people to cheat, since you have to submit a whole video, but it could also be less accessible because it's harder for lower end PCs to record... what do you think?


Very nice :)

Whoa that's awesome! I'll put the link on the game's page


Maybe, but then it would kinda destroy the purpose of making ice hard to control...

Wow you hit that last jump really clean! I expected that part to be more of a time sink


Wow nice

11.80 is the closest I got to your record :(

oh lol

I've been really busy, not only with school, but also with other projects. 

But I can try to squeeze in a few more levels here and there, I just feel like I'm running out of unique level designs


Yeah that's an old artifact from the code, I was originally gonna have all the levels except level 1 blocked off, then you have to go through them one by one, but I scrapped that in favor of letting players go wherever they want


Very cool!


Oh wow that's clever! Doing a short hop to get in an extra wall jump

Daaaang, what even is the new route? Can you send another video?

That'd be cool, runs would definitely be harder to beat



I only checked a couple other screenshots but I guess haha

The timer should never move, but I lined it up with your other screenshots and it seems like you're just playing on a different resolution: I guess doesn't keep the same aspect ratio in fullscreen mode

Why is the timer not centered on the screenshot?


I'd rather not go through the list and help people improve cheated screenshots, but I can tell you the biggest discrepancy so you can see: look at the .24 in the timer. The bottom right of the 2 is blurred, clearly trying to cover something up (a platform, or a different number), and there's a one pixel gap between the numbers

Nice try, but I can tell when a screenshot has been edited. Cheating ruins the fun for everybody

Yeah, I think I might add checkpoints, it could get annoying to have to walk all the way up the hub level to get to a higher level