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The walk animation and dialogues are cute! (=`ω´=)

Sometimes the length of a hack caught me off guard, but I'm not sure what I would do to balance it. Since the cursor and the target input are the same color, maybe when the cursor is flashing over an input the text color could change to dark green so it always remains visible.

Ah, I think I just figured it out, but the math equation hack didn't make sense to me at first. I thought I was looking for a pattern in all of the equations, but you just need to solve the bottom one huh? Maybe the equations that are waiting to be solved could use the medium green color to fade them out a bit.

Great work!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Yes probably a solution for the flashing cursor/prompt could be to invert the colors, when I actually was playing and testing I was always looking at the code ahead so I totally ignored that issue lol.

Certainly the math hack game was the less intuitive to figure instantly, having the stack of equations from bottom to top wasn't the best idea either, and marking the current one to solve could have helped, Had that as a TODO usability task but was totally exhausted the last day hehe.