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Thank you for writing a long comment. I am currently rushing to finish the game so please understand if mine is a little short.

There will be increased player agency in the full version through a secret mission. Randomly an actual ghost might appear on the bus, talk to them to access it. I wanted to put in a secret like that.

Unfortunately I am a solo dev so I didn't do any sound. Sometimes there is crackling it is an unintended side effect, the game is actually a gameboy game in an emulator. Being a ghost at the start is an error that will hopefully be fixed in the full version, if it isn't please let me know.

For now rather than redoing art my goal is to just finish everything but I appreciate the feedback.

I struggle with social anxiety and being trans while not passing compounds it. I wanted to write a story that comforted people like me. I hope that it can achieve that goal. 

I would suggest putting sound on your list, reach out to other game boy developers on how to implement it. Just a single beep noise when closing text boxes or text scrolling bleeps will be enough rather then a background song.  

I think you make a point. After I finish the planned content I'll see what I can do about going back and adding that. 

Yeah sorry, I missed writing the line "After the jam is over I would suggest..." my bad. 

No problem, I will try to do what I can without going too far outside the scope of my abilities.