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Hey Andrew !

How are you? It's Ilias again. I have some new questions for you.

What do you think about game jams in general, and this game jam in particular? What do you think could have been better, and do you have any suggestions?

What were your favorite video games?

Where do you think the strength of video games resides? What do you believe a video game should have to be a successful video game?

If you would like, you can tell me a little bit more about yourself and your background, if you have any information you would like to share.

Thank you in advance,



To Rate My Game : A Little Thing Made Out Of Clay .

Hi Ilias

I'm ok, ty, what about you?

For me, game jams are good to cheer up a bit when you're trying to get everything done in a small amount of time, or at least prioritize to get a finished project. Quick to try new things (techniques or design) or ideas and as another way to learn unity. Then think what can be made more convenient, unified, so that next time it will be easier to make a game.

Here's a pretty good post from a fan of game
jams I agree almost entirely, except that I also try approaches at jams with writing code cleanly and conveniently to use later in my work.

I think for a game to be successful it has to stand out in some way, also when developing it's good to understand who will play it and take that into account when developing.

Good luck in development!

Hey Andrew, I am good, thank you for asking.

And thank you for answering and interacting; much appreciated. Yes, for some developers, it can be an enriching experience where we can learn new skills and improve old ones. When properly made and worked on, game jams are nice experiences.

I'll be checking that link you sent me, the game jams fan.

So then , good audience targeting is a must-have for a successful game.


If you would like to support me, rating my game would be valuable to me if you haven't already.

Thank you in advance and thank you again for answering ,


Rate A Little Thing Made out Of Clay " My Third Game Jam " by ilias's Crafts And Toys for BIGA JAM V.2 - $5000 Of Prizes -

Yes, but remember that's all only my opinion, reality can differs and you can have own purpose and benefits from jams )

Yes, I do understand, but opinions, especially when they are proper and well-defined, can sometimes accumulate and prove beneficial for more projects.