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I know you guys plan to add a lot of things, and i know some people ask a lot but i thought i would type out some stuff that could be a nice add down the line!.
- A neat little way to auto kill or something strong we can make to kill the shark to keep him from taking down the raft
- Maybe a way to reinforce a raft part, more health
- A way to discard items (i have a whole chest of palm tree seeds! and no way to throw them away)
- A way to move items without having to destroy the whole raft to move things
- More types of items to find/make
- Islands to explore
- Ways to auto set up gathering water (Maybe rain catchers)
- Weather could be cool
- more ideas if i think of them!

You can delete that chest and the items dissapear!

You can also throw items away by placing them anywhere that's not an inventory slot. They drop on the ground as tiny barrels :D

If you are right is a very good idea I like, I also thought about a construction in islands, And that add temperature so it is obligatory to go to islands, And if possible add rivers to catch freshwater fish

if the barrels roll into the ocean then I'm pretty sure you can't get them back so technically there is a way to throw things away xD