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Very interesting concept! I love the visual style and the music. Also, when you reach a checkpoint, I noticed that a new "instrument" is added to the music. Very good detail.

I couldn't reach the end because I got stuck by a bug when I reached the part where there is a moving platform, and you have to hit the enemies, but I fell off, and I was spawned where there's no ground, so now I'm falling for the eternity!

Furthermore, I had some problems with the movement and the wall jump. Sometimes the character gets stuck and can't move consistently. The wall jump is hard to perform, I didn't understand it at all.

I also managed to reach the part with the moving platform and got stuck in a falling loop.

Still, I'd like to remember more, while playing your game, the trampoline platforms which were like those in NAMCO MAPPY but didn't break. Cheers!

Thank you for playing and feedback! 

We have just resolved the issue of falling into a loop and improved the feel of the wall jump. You are welcome to play again.