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Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it at least a little bit! 
Yes, I do agree with the negatives you posted- a lot of the time I spent on the game was actually on refining the controls. If you find it unresponsive at times now, you should have seen it before! originally you only had 8 frames inbetween taps in order for it to count as multiple, but I found that was too difficult and after many tweaks it's now at 15 frames. I was also thinking about making the triple tap (where you can aim without moving) stop the ship completely in place when you activate it, but i didn't ever end up testing how that felt. Guess that might be in the Post-Jam update (along with sound effects, music, a main menu, and hopefully a healthbar and death state)! 

I am sadly away from my desktop at the moment, so I can't work on the game right now. I may tide myself over by making another small game as additional unity practice in the mean time.