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Ohhh this is a nice, abstract little game! It was a bit confusing to get into at first but it made sense after a couple of goes.

Only thing that I think could be changed or improved would be the turn priority. Our game for this jam, Onegeon, works in similar ways to yours in terms of how you move and how the enemies move at the same time you do on the grid - however it is a bit hard to tell when the enemies are going to attack you or when you can attack them. It's an interesting game design hurdle that needs to be thought about, as we need the game to have difficulty, but also feel good to play for the player - I think this game's use of states  and switching them is an interesting concept that could be adapted to resolve this issue, such as if you take damage by an enemy, they go inactive for a little bit (perhaps a different type of inactive?).

Great work on this! Liking the ASCII aesthetic and the game was fun to play 👍

??? Sorry for the duplicate posts! No idea what happened there