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First off, this game is by among one of my favorites of the jam. It goes beyond the rating categories. The design, adherence to theme, and originality are the best I've seen in the jam. However, it continues to impress me with the atmosphere, music, art, etc. 

I am surprised how little entries were horror themed, because the theme was only one. Typically giving the player only one of something they usually have a lot of lends itself to making the player feel powerless. I am huge fan of horror games. Although few actually scare me nowadays, and I'm not ashamed to admit that this game's atmosphere and sound effects were effective enough to unsettle me. Despite it's cute art, which I believe provides a beautiful contrast to the narrative and atmosphere, it is scary.  In my opinion, this game is excellent beyond words and I am craving more of this game. 

My only critique is that the mechanic of killing the same monster the same with the spikes would get too repetitive if the game was longer. However, the game was short enough it did not over stay its welcome. If this game were to be made into a full game, I would love to see different creatures and different ways to kill, run, or hide.


Super glad you enjoyed the game. We were pretty surprised to find ourselves taking the horror route too, seeing as how neither of us have made a horror game before but it was definitely a fun challenge. Totally agree with the critique, had we had more time we totally would've added those features. 


Thank you for trying our game and thank you for the feedback!