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For how short this game is, I left feeling like I could see a looot of fun potential in just what was here. More rooms, more kinds of obstacles, maybe even some kind of trap that blocks off progress in a certain radius.

One thing to consider if you further development is how the player makes their choices on where to lay down tiles, especially when they get to the middle of the room where they can go in any direction. A good solution might be to make (some) treasure visible to breadcrumb the players through the level, but I can see how that might not slot into your original design. Still though; working through it through trial and error probably has limited value to the player over longer playtime.

I really enjoyed this concept though, and I hope to see more of your work before long! Well done!

Thanks for the feedback! You have a point and I will definitely need to find more ways to lead the player in order to reduce the frustration from trial and error.