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If a series about making Game Boy games in ASM is something folks might be interested in, I'd consider it :P It's a lot of just breaking down problems to solvable chunks, the same way any kind of programming is, but to a greater extent.  There's still a lot I don't know, though, and right now only really simple games make sense with my skill level. But hey, maybe one day!

You know, as far as my humble knowledge goes, the mainstream game programmers are going for ECS paradigm, thinking of games in a data driven style rather than OO style, and although popular game engines are still inclined towards a more OOP approach, this is only for ease of use, but huge projects would approach the programming differently. This is why I believe what you are doing is really important. With the limitations you are setting , you are forcing yourself to think in a data driven way, and this exercise will render itself very helpful. This is also why I might be interested in making GB games in ASM, so count me in :D