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Fun falling block puzzle game. Has some similarities with columns or Puyo Puyo, but a nice twist I didn’t see before. I like the focus on versus gameplay and that there’s a computer AI!

The lack of sound effects are really standing out though. If these get implemented and a proper pause function (maybe a difficulty select?) we could have a classic in our hands!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review 🥰! The game is my attempt at implementing Super Puzzle Fighter gameplay on the NES.

Sound and music is definitely something i need to work on, along with having a stronger single player experience.

Super Puzzle Fighter I did play but apparently so little that I didn’t recognize the gameplay. Lots of people love that game so that’s cool if we have a NES port.

My favorite falling block puzzle game is Kirby’s Star Stacker, I would love a (spiritual) sequel for that.