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Wow, you've had a very busy Halloween! Everything has been overhauled in less than a day!

I've been able to get a proper taste of the gameplay now, it's fun and works well as a short game! A small interval between pumpkins especially at the start would help ease players into the action and would prevent situations where moving away from a pumpkin makes the next one hit you from the back. Other than that, I think you've addressed all of the other issues I had in this a large and very fast set of fixes!


I've been thinking about adding some wait time between a pumpkin appearing and actually moving - like a fraction of a second 🤔

Which in turn got me thinking, if that interval can be of varying lengths, I'd be on track for implementing difficulty settings... 🤔🤔


They can speed up as you go, just the first few should be slow enough for new players not to get knocked out in 2 seconds. If you're adding wait times, then maybe you can show an arrow or a target icon at the place they'll appear. That will also help players avoid instant impact if they're standing at the edge of the screen.