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It is a nice game :)

I took a second look at it after reading that the kitten can be found with 90% chance at the first try... Isn't it just 50%? As a side note - the game feels much more active if the "win" music plays during the searching phase (I was able to get that by clicking "go again" really fast :)


Very glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I think you're correct on the probability. I was taking into account all objects, when in reality only [redacted] matter. I used the "contemplative" music because, according to, "robotfindskitten is in fact a Zen simulation" and I figured that was the better music for Zenning out... Of course you're free to switch them around! I'll write up something soon on running it locally from the source (spoiler, it's kind of a pain thanks to browser security restrictions).