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Man, this game is haaaaard. The fact that you essentially have to stand still when aiming at enemies made the game very difficult (in conjunction with wrapping my head around the unorthodox movement controls). Also the weapons felt rather inaccurate, as unless my cursor was dead center on the enemy, it would often miss. Though I will say the game looks very pretty, and the John Wick reference was a nice touch.

Really, the biggest issue I have with the game is that it takes the "Only One" idea too far. It would have been enough to have the guns fire only once in my opinion, but the movement controls are too difficult to manage.

Oh yeah, the difficulty is way harder than it should and i think the controls are percieved badly because there is no room to breath so i will surely get on fixing that. I find it strange that you had collision issues, havent heard of problems like that but i will playtest to see if it comes up.