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The art looks pretty good.  The game's fine for what it is, but I've herded sheep in so many games at this point (from Twilight Princess to Jak & Daxter to Donkey Kong 64) that it doesn't feel super fresh.  I think it could have been more interesting and more in line with the theme if you were herding only one sheep, but there'd have to be a twist to make it interesting.  Or maybe instead of having one sheep, the dog could've only been able to bark once before its teeth went flying out and you had to retrieve them before barking again.  Idk, just throwing out ideas.


Thanks for playing my game :) Really? Well I'm not a big gamer so I haven't really heard of sheep herding before in games, but there are a lot of games out there and I'm not surprised :P Thanks for telling me though. 

Yeah I wanted to add a bunch more stuff but I ran out of time... I was also thinking about how to incorporate the theme better, but I couldn't really come up with anything in the 48 hours.

But still, thanks for playing :)