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(1 edit) (+5)

Thank you all for the kind comments ;w;

Animating the first sprite would've taken a...ges.... so I experimented with a simpler approach? The hair bob still feels janky but ah well x_x

 photo walalaal.gif  photo sprite test.png

edit: also I've seen some people post gifs of their work environment and I was wondering if there was a program that lets recording that kind of stuff easy?


I use Licecap!

I asked about if from another gamedev and they told me its a rly good tool and yeah, here I am using it too. I made all my gifs with it and they're really neat! Its incredibly simple and easy to use try it out.

Also really good job on that animation it looks really nice and fluid! :>

(2 edits) (+1)

i use this for my gifs !


we actually posted a few resources for gifs on our blog! i personally use screentogif but i also have licecap.