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I'm glad you found it to be satisfying! I had a lot of inner debate going on on whether or not I thought the game was too difficult, but it seems that the feedback on that has been positive! 

Admittedly, your's is the first suggestion regarding the play area and I was debating on whether or not it was too small so adjusting the verticality is something to consider. 

As of now, enemies don't have bullets because it's way easier to program enemies that just follow you, but I'm planning on continuing the project so I have few suggestions that other people have made in mind so look forward to that!

Is it possible that you died because you missed? If you kill more than one enemy or zero enemies in a single shot then you also die haha. I thought that was the most interesting way to adhere to the theme. 


I can't play your game at work because I'm not supposed to download things on my work computer, but I'll certainly check it out when I get home!

Ooooooh if you kill more than one thing you die as well XD I get it, that totally makes sense with the theme. I hope you dispense with that after the jam though, it felt really good to line up a cool shot against multiple ships, but I couldn't understand why I kept exploding afterwards haha.

Totally understand, I look forward to hearing what you think of Einnsámr when you have a chance to try it :)