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questions: who is your favorite character in the game, I personally love Harold and Dwayne the most, but what about you guys? 🐻🎾🦍

I'm curious...  πŸ€”


Despite the fact that I'm not a big fan of blondes or green eyes, I am in love with Harold because of his belly and because he is a bear. Love bear Κ• β€’α΄₯β€’ Κ”. He's my personal favorite.

I like Richard because he looks so damn hot. I wish him be my daddy too (daddy with benefits ofc πŸ˜ˆ).

I like Dwayne because of how sweet, adorable and honest he is. 

I like Darius' route the most in terms of character progress. The best writing of all routes and getting to know him closer was the most pleasant experience.

And also I like our Godzilla because of how big, strong but gentle at the same time he is. And also because he is almost 80% similar in appearance, behaviour and personality to my boyfriendπŸ₯°.

wait godzilla what there's a godzilla

Hello from Dozer πŸ˜‰



My favorite character is Spencer, I love his personality and his story and route is so perfect πŸ’œπŸ’œ


Definitly Darius, im completly in love with him and his route, love pervert lion.

Then probably at second its Maria, she is an angel made cat woman. 


tbh my fav character in the game is Harold, i love him and his occasional silly personality, I can't resist to papa bear 🐻 haha 

^^^^^^^^^^^^(dont have to say more)

Plus dwayne cause like them chub and thick boys and spencer cause is he is f***ing cute and has a really fitting personality. Btw this game is easy one of the best VN's out there. First vn i played and it got so far . <3