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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Assboot (heh), downloading your game now!

If you want to give our game a shot, here it is:

It's a game about conversation featuring only one dialogue option: 'no'. You have to choose when to say it, and when to keep your mouth firmly shut!

Your aim is to have the perfect day (or at least one of the four other endings).

Oops, I might wait till my friend comes round tomorrow so I can play it against a human opponent! Immediate impressions of your art are good though!

Did you try the AI build?

Hey, just gave the AI build a go!

Your game reminds me of dodgeball, which was fun!

Two mechanics I really liked were the way the centre-line pushes toward the losing player (stopping games from dragging on too long,  while still allowing for hype comebacks: great example of a positive feedback loop) and the way you can position yourself in such a way that your opponent has to choose between attacking you and gaining a powerup.

Really fun little game, I'm keen to play it with a human!

It reminds me of the same keyboard games I used to play with my little brother when we were kids.

(1 edit)

I really appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you like it. I've played your game too now and left my thoughts.

Downloading, will leave my opinion on the rate page.