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What city/state/region is Cresthaven & surrounding cities based on?

Not sure if anyone has recognized this, but its weird to see Cresthaven and its surrounding cities are in the US. I only assumed it was somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, but I'm not so certain.

Darius' route does mention copperhead snakes.
There's relatively close mountains for both a hotspring in Chester's route, along with the mountain hiked in Darius' route.
The Cresthaven background CGs just sorta look very idyllic and vibrant for a city, though I'm not sure if I can place my finger on what the architecture resembles.
I also think that considering there's a production studio near by and Cresthaven is near 'Sierra' - maybe California's northern parts?

Anyone got any ideas?


It is obvious that Dyne used USA as the basis of geography and culture, since he is from there and it is just closer to him (am i right?). Wherever the city is located is not important in the narrative, and also allows us to imagine it to be wherever we want it to be 😌


Oh, I'm well aware it isn't relevant or functional to the narrative, but I was wondering if there's any indication about the visual inspiration - if at all.

Especially since on the main menu we see the US flag in front of the school


It's not really based on anything.  I just... made it how I wanted, haha