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Really great game. It looks great, feels great, sounds great.... just great.

I only have 2 small notes:

  • It would be nice if there was a way to regain health. Maybe by random health drops, or by killing enemies. By standing still might also be an interesting option.
  • I had an enemy spawn on top of me once. So make sure the enemies do not spawn in a certain radius around the player (or make them spawn in designated areas, like from gates or something. But I think I prefer the look and feel of them dropping out of the sky, with that fun animation)

I'd appreciate it if you would check out my game as well:


Thanks for playing Stanley, and your suggestions are very appreciated! About regaining health, I agree with you: standing still would be an interesting way to regain health, as well. And about the enemy spawn, that was overlooked by me, my mistake. Still, glad you liked!

About your game, I just gave it a shot, and am rating it right now :)