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(1 edit)


I've been enjoying the game for a few days now, and wanted to share some of the stuff I think can be improved:

  • When clicking on a building on the outer edge of the screen, the popup is shown, but often outside of the screen, and the screen doesn't shift to show both the building and the popup.
  • Sometimes clicking on a tile behind a puppet is difficult.
  • It would be nice to see if your online opponent is online or not (whether to wait for a new turn...)
  • I can imagine online games might never end if your opponent never takes a turn, is there a time-out or something for this?
  • It would be nice to see stats of how many games you played/won/lost

I'm sure some of it has been noted before, just trying to help by letting the dev's know. Good luck finishing the game! (It actually looks pretty finished already :-)

Huge thanks for the feedback! We're already working on several of these things and love the idea of some basic stat tracking. We're going to take a look and see what info we can get to track/display.