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Haha, Thanks Sean!

I would need to chat with the sound dude for more specifics, but I believe he recorded himself making a bunch of little sounds, then we basically detected how many syllables were in whatever word the character was saying and played the same number of tiny mouth sounds at random. There might have been some pitch randomization and other post-fx as well.

Yeah, we spent AGES on getting the NO's right! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


That is an interesting take on abstract vocalization  (if that isn't already a term i'm coining it). I've personally never had to do it but i've reversed vocals before just to see what would happen and you can get some pretty cool/spooky results. I believe this is how the voices for "Shadow of the colossus" were done.

Those No's were splendid and are the most most important part of the game!

Thanks for sharing!