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There are a lot of really cool ideas here, and the art is rough, but charming. Very competent.

That long death + game over + intro every retry was a pretty brutal punishment.

I never got the hang of the stun. It never seemed to be effectual with how short the enemy stun time is compared to the length it takes to both stun and hit. I ended up abusing the door to kill the final boss.

The soundtrack is atmospheric!

Good work! Congratulations on the submission.


The trick to to the stun was pressing p only ONCE while the attack animation is playing and vice versa. This ques up the next action, making sequencing easy. There is a slight issue with this system where if you do: attack, attack, stun quickly, then it will result in attack, stun, attack. Because it prioritizes stun as the next action.
Thank you for playing, Clark! :)