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(1 edit)

It has to be something to do with the browser your phone is using, which determines what version of node gets used, and there seems to be one that isn't supporting a Javascript keyword somewhere. The upcoming update that expands error reporting should tell us where it is. Once we know that we can look at changing it to something that's compatible with older versions.

You mean node.js right? I never knew it used the device's default browser to run the report. The more you know!

And again, my current phone is more updated than the old one, yet the old one could launch the game just fine. This game is actually the reason why I fully updated my device in the first place, so it's been tested with multiple android versions. That's why I said it shouldn't be a driver or compatibility issue.

But we'll surely figure it out in the next version. :)

Yeah, for some reason node.js comes from the device rather than what's packaged in the apk when you're playing on mobile.

And your phone itself and the OS might be more updated than the old one, but the browser on it may still be using a version of node that doesn't support a command that your old one did. We'll have to wait and see what the error reporting gives us to work with. :)