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Congrats on your submission!  I think I found a bug.  It took me a while to figure out how to play.  I got 2 of the power balls and when I was trying to get the third on the Golem, I got killed a few times and I guess I accidentally got into the menu when I was trying to move and I was killed and the menu screen was gone but the screen size was smaller because of how the menu pops up from the side.  I also could no longer move my character in this state.

Thank you! Yes, the pause menu doesn't really pause the game haha, just makes the player not able to move, but to get rid of it, you just have to select "Back", the first option, it closes the pause menu.

Yes.  I did that, the menu disappeared.  back was no longer on the screen, but the screen still looked like the menu was supposed to be there.  That's why I'm saying it was a bug.  I wasn't stuck in the menu, there was no menu, but it looked like there should have been one. 


That just happend to me lol. I'm not sure how to fix it..


No worries!  I just wanted to report it :)