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This was an awesome experience, favorite game of the jam so far. Only complaint is that the platforms yeeted me twice, but thats really minor. Honestly, if there was some kind of "collecting memory fragments" elemt to this where there was a story to uncover or something along those lines i could see myself enjoying this as a full little indie platformer. The music does a looot of lifting for me here.

100% agree with everything you said. the way moving platforms work has always had some strange bug, but I had to move on. And my vision was to have secret areas with basically notes or something side to collect, but I of course ran out of time. There is one secret to find involving some back tracking, but I won't spoil it. Also thanks for the music compliment, I'm a musician first, but I always neglect that for game jams. I wrote something in the final hour for this game, I hate that its not a full piece, but since audio is a category I knew something is way better than nothing. Really appreciate the kind words, I'm beat after this week and it means a lot to hear <3