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(1 edit) (+1)
  • Firm/Whet works only if it’s not enchanted, but the text says the opposite

  • If dragging Firm or Whet and releasing anywhere other than a weapon, the card doesn’t return to the hand, keeping you from playing cards

  • Sting and Dispense give no attack while claiming to do so.

  • Not sure if the spike enchantment of Sting does anything.

  • You are never asleep when the enemies attack, so Visage never uses the +3 block while sleeping.

Really good game btw.

Glad you enjoyed it. The feedback is much appreciated as well. Hopefully those bugs are squashed with the latest update.

Dragging bug still appears.

I haven't been able to replicate this one again. Is there any more info you can provide to help me track it down?

For example: When I'm about to cast a spell or equip a weapon but I switch tab ( Alt+ Tab) or a  pop-up appears.