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In this game  you  have only one platform to move on which is controlled by your mouse. You then have to constantly run to the right as the left border of the screen closes in. You have to coordinate the movement of your character with the movement of the platform in order to finish the game.

The graphics are colorful, handdrawn, although the backgroung can be somewhat distracting. My main fault was, that I didn't first read the description of the game, so I didn't instatly realise that I could move the character aswell as the platform (therefore I would maybe advise a better in-game explanation for people like me :D ). 

The game is pretty fun, but I think that the character should have a higher falling speed, because now in order to get lower on the screen you have to slow down, which can often lead to inevitable death. This problem caused that I was unable to finish the game.

Overall, not bad, but polishing it more would lead to game being more fun.

I appreciate your advice and will keep it in mind. Thanks for playing the game and I hope your entry does good. Haven't played it yet, but when I do I'll be sure to leave a comment :)