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It follows the theme of the Game Jam but the mechanics of reusing dead bodies seems to me to go beyond the concept of "one life", because in practice you have so many. You don't have debuf if you die apart from start again, and in some cases it is also mandatory to die, which makes it impossible to finish the game with just one life. The "one bullet" instead is better, and the fact of creating a zombie every time you are killed by one of them prevents you from killing all the enemies simply by shooting and then committing suicide, because you do nothing but cancel what you just did.

The graphics are very beautiful, the controls respond well to the inputs and the sound design is excellent.

Anyway congratulations, 48h are few and this game is very well done.


thank you for the feedback! yeah one life is a bit of a stretch but in the game after every death you play a other person so I thought it fits.^^