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Wow, very fun, good take on the theme! Honestly I find the first painting to be harder than the rest, lol. I kept losing a lot there and didn’t even get 100% on that one, got like 52% iirc Pretty cool game, would’ve love having a small pause in-between paintings (like only passing to the next on user input) cause it was very intense to finish a painting and go right to the next one.

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I made the art for the game and I had a very similar experience to you. I often had to lose a 'rehearsal' run of the levels and plan out my next run to pass them. On the other hand, the programmer @dreamn_skull was able to 100% the whole thing! Glad you had fun anyways :)

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The programmer showed me a gameplay clip of them doing the first level super fast, and I learned a HOT GAMEPLAY TIP: You can color-pick on the example art; doing this makes a *huge* difference in making the gameplay easier. This means 1. you don't have to use the palette scrollbar system and 2. you don't run the risk of getting a slightly 'off' color.

Wait, color picking the art was not the thing I was supposed to do? lol I was doing exactly that lmaoo

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You know you can also match up artwork by looking at the pixel coordinates and you can also use the paintbucket tool that works exactly like paintbucket tools in sprite editors. You can also use the eyedropper tool on the "Reference Image".  If you did all that, I dont know how you were bad at the game.


I just played the first painting, got around 50% again

And then I noticed it… I didn’t see there was a dark color background in the painting, lol

Now I reached 90%

Use paintbucket tool for large areas/sections of the painting and you will do great.