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null painter

A member registered Feb 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Whew. Took a few tries, but then had some room to spare on the last one. "Look at patterns when dead." sounds funny, but a very important tip!

Very good remake - I would like English, but seems better than original.

Really amazing. I have never tried anything quite like the battle system, and it's novel in all the right ways. Also, absolutely dripping with charm! Big recommend.

Sorry about that - I've added the FBX to the downloads.

nicely done. I can't wait for the OST remaster to come out :)

I didn't play too much after that - had to run off and do something else. I couldn't tell if I was getting more powerups because of the increased enemy spawn, or because the per-enemy drops became more frequent, but I feel like I could have gone longer than I'd like to play overall. It doesn't have an ending, does it?

Nice! The first million is the hardest.

hmm, checkpoints are too infrequent for my taste - otherwise, well done!

Good idea and work! Feels rough when your S little rank doofus is down there, life dropping and confidence going up while futilely whacking away - I think that is a sign the design is working well.

How much would I invest in a dinner bell or something that would save the little turds from themselves!

The swap/kick mechanics feel a little unclear - like I'm, not sure what swap exactly will happen when I hit the button.

Also, I didn't figure out how to say 'Stay awhile and listen' or ID anyone's gear :(

Great idea, great execution, great presentation. Thank you!

Nice ideas and gameplay. But, now that I've got Sir Frizzles back, I can't breathe!

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Fun little introduction to Shogi, and overall well polished.

I'm not a totally new player, but also not very strong. Didn't have much trouble completing the game, as the AI has some odd quirks - it's really weak to an early rook attack on file 6, and will just throw all it's pieces into the hole on c6 one after another.

 I felt like the AI would have been stronger than me if it didn't do odd things in response to attacks sometimes.

Fun strange variant pieces - did you invent them?

This is great. Taking out the big screaming square takes a combo of preparedness and luck - really spicy stuff. I still didn't win but I got close, and I finally got the jerk back!

I really like the way the creatures look (and the overall presentation).

Possible refinements? A 'next' window a-la tetris, and maybe the ability to choose what order to process multiple encounters (or maybe showing some numbers so you know what the logic will do).

Wow - great job! I love the mechanics on this one. And... inspired by Moraff?! I think I just lost a few sanity points, myself! Makes more sense why I like your stuff so much now.

GG DirtDirector - no sanity loss, that means no dead crewmembers? Wow.

Wonderful work! I'm a big fan of Uncharted Waters and Stone Soup. I saw the name and thought, 'nah, probably not what it sounds like'. Glad I was wrong. Gozag approves heartily!

Sure, I used inkscape to make the images, and blender to animate for this one.

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Pretty interesting stuff. Was some of the text ai generated as well as the images?

Thanks for packaging an appimage - that makes it really easy to try.

Did you use an engine for this? If so, what was it?

Very cool. Glad I played Battle for Esturia first - this is much harder, and knowing the classes and systems was a big help. I didn't get it in one try, but I did in two. Everyone knows spiders are the natural predator of angels!

Seriously, though, I don't know how I'd survive without summons, and I should have brought a cow.

Surprising ending that made the absurdity before it make sense - well done.

Fun game! Reminds me of 'Hammurabi', but more fun and with specific opponents. Great job on this, and the color palette is surprisingly good.

This is fantastic! Solid gameplay and lots of interesting decisions and builds. I enjoyed the writing and presentation, too.

Just playing this now - but I really enjoyed it. Fun open world and some good options for party building, just a good overall time.

Got to the postgame and found a show-stopping bug a ways into it (or maybe found the end of the game's development?):

Exploring the crypt with the two brothers (from the intro screen) causes a freeze in two places - I expect these are the spots where the dialogue should happen explaining the mission. Also, trying to leave the cave gives 'you should destroy the generator before leaving'. Exploring without them states that you need them.

To be clear - it's a great game and this hardly blemishes it. I'd highly recommend it to anybody looking for some high-quality adventure.

Hmm, now I think I've played though all your offerings! Thank you for all the good times!

Great mechanics and aesthetics - well done! Thank you for making something so good.

This is a good base to work from. The movement and attacking feel good so far. There are a few things I didn't see mentioned here, so I'll bring them up (am running the linux version).

1. I didn't find any 'abilities' to buy in town.

2. I don't understand what the artifacts do - they get listed onscreen when I enter dungeon, change floor but I can't see them in the inventory any more after that. I also can't equip them manually in town.

3. Melee enemies (not the boss, but skeleton and zombie) cannot seem to damage me, even if I bump them over and over or stand still.

4. I found quest givers, but quest button does nothing.

5. Settings button does nothing. Not sure how to see character stats, for example.

6. Partial controller support. Can move with analog, but nothing else.

Best of luck with the project, and thank you for providing 'nix build!

Okay, finally got a chance to play through the new gauntlet mode - a blast! Here are my thoughts:

I love your aesthetic, and I feel like you added a lot to the enemies, bosses, and stage BGs.

The rechargable weapon mechanic is great - not sure if that was in when I first played. I also like that there is a focus/spread fire and autofire (this already existed fo sure, but want to praise it)!

Some good difficulty increases, some bosses are appropriately danmaku now :) Also new and interesting patterns (and enemy types, those ghosts that shoot triples are great!) in the levels!

Two things I'd like to see:

1. one more level of harder difficulty: I made it through gauntlet in one try - two bosses almost killed me, and I was definitely sweating some part, but I'd like that 'aspirational' difficulty level that makes me feel like I have to level up to make it through.

2. level/boss select - a common feature and great for practicing (especially if you put in another diff. level)

Great work! I would def recommend this, especially to new shmupper!

Nope, also  both linux builds are broken. The deb installer always hangs on destroying first boss (and no audio). The appimage is mispackaged with a libpango issue coming up on run (no launch). Also, the windows standalone crashes with Wine (both standard Ubuntu repo wine and a recent Proton build. Perhaps later?

10/10 nice minimal 'zach-like'! Pretty sure I've used this CI system at a few companies...

Thank you!

This is amazing, and for my linux homies, wine works splendidly for this with no problem.

Well done! Good puzzles and interesting idea.

That sounds really great - I'll be looking forward to it :)

Thanks for being awesome!

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This is really fun and smooth. Might be a little easy (though still worth a playthough!) for experienced shmuppers; a great entry point for someone getting into the genre!

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This is really interesting. You have one of the most unique 'voices' I've come across in quite some time - the mix of cults, corporate dystopia, drugs and body horror is one thing, but then the tone of the writing is really understated and not so obviously dire... Oh, and the William Blake -esque dark ecstatic poetry?!

The scene where the planner is talking about this cult/martial arts street gang as a branding/franchising operation is truly and delightfully bizarre, for instance. And what is going on with the 'gods' and 'bugs'?

But, I hit an error on July 18th, looks like a scripting error where you tried to get the Stats attribute of an int :)

Here's a pastebin, so it doesn't litter up the page

Let me know if I can help by sending via another method or if you'd like the save file.

XESS community · Created a new topic So cool

I was laid up with an injury and this gave me something to enjoy while I recovered. Super creative, and with really fun art. Thank you!

Thank you for also releasing an English version! I enjoyed it - the black knight battle was quite an interesting idea...

Wow, cool fever dream of a game! 5 out of 5 giant black eyed peas.

Interesting stuff. I played MtG a long, long time ago and have never tried YuGiOh at all. I probably wouldn't have if I didn't run across this. I like how you distilled the game down to an essential form. Took awhile to understand the rules, but overall I'm glad I tried this.

Amazing. Nothing left to steal :(

Great ideas! It took me awhile to win because I didn't realize a certain buff could carry between battles - I *almost* had a working strat without this, but not one without some considerable luck...

Yes, it is working now. Thank you!

This is really impressive! I enjoyed the art and open-ended gameplay quite a bit. Do you know if anyone else has built anything with the engine?

Heya, it seems to me like the Linux zip might be invalid? I tried a few different unzippers on it (including 7zip, partial extraction but broken result). 

I was able to get the win version running under WINE fine, tho.