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Okay, so far, it feels like everything is quite rushed After including Transfur, it automatically returns to the main menu, and now it seems to end even faster than the beginning of this game. I haven't even made any response before everything ends...

I feel that this seems to run counter to the initial idea

Tbh, I still quite like the situation where I could still control my character before, even if it was just wandering around the room, but obviously there's not much left now...

(1 edit)

Hello Eyre!

Yes, too much work makes it difficult for me to make some aspects 'fun', such as controlling a monster or the transfur itself,  there is a special need to enhance the gameplay of the transfurred player, I know, and I'm planning on making it better.

Do have in mind that I'm a single person developing everything, so I need time to polish things!

Sorry if it hasn't come up to your expectations! I will try to enhance the game design in the next update.