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A member registered Nov 24, 2022

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Okay, so far, it feels like everything is quite rushed After including Transfur, it automatically returns to the main menu, and now it seems to end even faster than the beginning of this game. I haven't even made any response before everything ends...

I feel that this seems to run counter to the initial idea

Tbh, I still quite like the situation where I could still control my character before, even if it was just wandering around the room, but obviously there's not much left now...

When I left the disinfection room wearing a traffic cone, I entered the third person and got stuck. I guess this Transfur has not been completed yet?

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DragonSnow‘s mean:

You have this technical ability, but you are just making fan games.

If I have the same ability, I will laugh until I wake up in my dreams.

In short, you did a good job

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Report a bug

After I was transfured, I repeatedly went back and forth between the warehouse and the corridor, resulting in such a situation. I don't know if it is because I was caught at the warehouse door LOL

I have been waiting for a long time

This update is not bad, at least some of the senses have been improved, although it is only sensory

That cat is still my nightmare

But this time I have nothing to suggest. If I think of any good ideas, I will come back again

Looking forward to more follow-up game conten

Always waiting~

I'm glad to hear that. I will wait with my expectation.

Very good game overall. However, in the case of limited first person observation perspective, it is extremely difficult for me to confirm the escape route and the direction of the pursuer at the same time when facing the chase. Therefore, I can no longer remember how many times I have been caught by the Ming cat. Considering that there will be many similar scenes in the future, perhaps it is necessary to improve this aspect.

Besides, the running feeling is not very smooth. Although I know Lin is not very flexible when he wakes up, I feel like an elderly grandma compared with Lin who runs with life for survival in the original version of Changed

As well, this is a 3D game, but I haven't found the meaning of the jump key at present. After all, there are obstacles formed by air walls everywhere. I have no place to jump, let alone try to hide on the table lol

In 3D Game, maybe you can try to give players more escape routes? Like crossing the table? Or jump over some smaller obstacles?

As for other aspects, others have already mentioned them, so I won't mention them any more

A small request that may be a little selfish:

It's good to maintain a "self" perspective for a certain time after Transfured and be able to control it. Compared with directly ending the game, this simple interaction has surprised me, but I feel that the time is too short. I don't even have time to "taste" the process. Can you prolong the time a little? Or let the player choose to end the game and return to the menu?

Although it doesn't make much sense, I want to experience this different perspective more òwó

(Sorry for poor English, if there is any grammar problem that leads to any incomprehensible sentence, I can try my best to explain)