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Great mood and worldbuilding :)
Though I did manage to get stuck on a ledge - seems some will block you because you need to pass through the glyph barrier, but some ledges you can drop down from?


Ah, bummer! Was it on the stone ziggurat? I've since updated the game to v1.1 and improved the clipping. Thanks!

I may be having a similar problem (with version 1.2, downloaded/installed today); whenever the shrine raises up into the air, I drop through the floor and remain standing at the top of the ziggurat.  When it comes back down, I come back up through the floor and can walk back out.  I'm kinda assuming you want to be up there to use the scope to see something in the distance...otherwise I can't find a "gameplay" use for it (as opposed to its primary use for sightseeing).