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I think I replied to you on Steam... In case it wasn't you, let me copy-paste it here:

Okay, just as hints and not a full guide:

- Choose the "good" answers with either Halim or Rashid to enter their routes: the hearts are affection points, so you need to have at least four right choices with only one of them to do their route.

- For Harun's route: get into Rashid's route and then choose the answer that dismisses Rashid instead of the "good" ones. Depending on your answers to Harun, you'll get his good or his bad ending then. (A clue: the options are always being bratty or shut up and obey him. One gives you the bad end and the other the good end, but I won't tell you which one).

I hope this helps without being too much of a spoiler! ;)


Thank you XD , I got the good ending of the main two so yay <3 \o/ sorry to bug you about it >_< awesome game BTW <3


I'm going to follow your advice. I've been trying for over 4 hours to bang Harun and the guy just won't let me take a ride on his disco stick.