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A member registered Feb 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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it was so damn good I love him o-o it was getting good ...then said demo xD

Same XD !

I love Vipers Pov <3!! I love Viper I can't wait to see more what he will get up too, I will be his for ever not by force because I wanna XD

OMG I love this...I feel sorry for the mc D: and I LOVE KANE SO MUCH o3o <3 he is so cute

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OMG the guys from the first one is on here XD omg <.< we helped him lmao and I really love the song o-o when well you know get going with stalker XD have hell of nice beat  both the songs

oooo more Handsome aliens o3o I am going enjoy this when fully comes out!

o3o I am going like this and best part it's with mori >///< YES I CAN'T WAIT!! TYY!

AWESOMEE!!! Best gift ever!!

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so good love the music DX sad only the prologue right now lol but I hope be some more seems very interesting :O i love the fact it's a romance as well

That's werid lol why would they do that?!

yep lol XD

I saw that lol maybe go WTF lol when did you get there

the ending the person who called the name starts with G if you played your played so you know the name o-o I have sooo many questions 

I think Pov add flavor and I like seeing what the other characters think keep up the awesome work <3! everyone does have their own like thou and its ok

I love chris once he warms up to you he is too cute and his story is sad ): I am glad I can be with him make him happy and Chris is cute when he blushes

So Good I love it! i can't wait for more also  I LOVE Clive it's sad so clive was stalking so was the other guys o-o thou i prefer clive XD

I hope all goes smooth for you in life and your project :D!


they are so cute! and again i am huge sucker for NSFW, also i am glad for people arachnophobia  that there is no spider picture, but just seeing word spider made me laugh and  shojo music lmao oh god make me cringe inside XD in a funny way

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poor mc , I wish could hug them and amazing job and huge fan of NSFW and music to it just makes want to dance XD

I see it changed I like it amazing job cant wait o be with Sans more <3!

I love it! it's so good and voice acting very good so sad that so short thou

Right!? lmao!! I don 't like her either

I love Jim I cant wait to o3o be with him <3 I love the game a lot I can't wait for more its like a drug need more

Omg ty for the gift I love this so sweet we know their our sweet yanderes but its cute too see like this o3o I love it! makes my heart melt <3

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awesome ty so much I do love the POV you make in your stories , They  would be very missed so i am super happy they are staying in your story  >3> I do miss My Merc and I the new demo amazing get to see how you meet our merc <3 Thank you for everything and your amazing story <3!

I love the new demo but....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell there still going to be POV like the first demo D:

I hope you get better ): just keep yourself healthy and happy 

Q.Q I don't wanna die even to a pretty merman

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Ya i am guy but still good XD love leon o3o 

Very good I did always had crush on leon <3 that and chris

*ducks* >3> hey can't say you blame us it's good *picks it up and walks away to read*

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awesome! now waiting for mori XD  have an amazing holloween <3!

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This is cute and I just couldn't just walk away I would feel bad just leaving after their hard work DX the man in wall is cute XD how this all works out and did that box say UwU loops XD?!

I love it so cute and know what cuter Steven he is so damn cute >3> and he kinda got that face of Garus from mass effect XD maybe thats why i like him so much

he almost does don't he XD?

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Damn I love Ren so much to sweet and cute can't wait see the tats hope mc like them and the NSFW is chef kiss as always <3!

Teo a man Hoooooooooeeee a hot one but still a hoe lol

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o3o is yellow heart friendship and red romance right and amazing story by the way really good <3! nevermind found out it's still flirt option XD just shy my kind of flirting

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I love this Most of all I love the all 3 skeleton brothers <3 !Most Fav is Sans amazing job on this I do love me some Undertale like stories <3! Is there way you can fix the save I would like save XD