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Ertal Games

A member registered Apr 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hmmm... You can buy My Burning Heart also from JastUSA. I think they accept all kind of cards.

Hi! Some of my games are short projects for game jams, so they are free on itchio: two of them are also available on Steam, but to be honest, it's not worth it because it's nearly impossible to recover the Steam tax.

That being said, My Burning Heart IS available on Steam. Unless you live in Germany, China, or other countries where games with NSFW content are banned, it should appear on my dev page there. BUT you need to have the access to adult content activated on your profile, and be logged in. In fact, if you buy the game through itchio you can claim a Steam key along with your purchase (which is the best way to support indie creators like myself, and to bypass Steam censorship XDD).

Just in case:

Yes, it will. Exes doesn't require any extra features, it's just reading and choosing options! It may get a Unity port in the near future so we can publish it on consoles, though, but a Renpy version will always be available on itchio for PC.


Although the current art will be kept in the final version, the GUI and the writing will probably get a makeover; we'll see! I'll retake the project this summer, once Exes Assault!! is released.

Give it a few days more (a week more, maybe?), and things will start to move on really quickly as the people who are now "acquaintances" or "acquaintances of acquaintances" turn into friends. Besides, after the first week you can attend a party each Friday evening, where things get... interesting.

Hahaha, sorry for that!

Thank you for your kind words!

The version for Mac, Windows, and Linux are exactly the same, though. The person who said it worked without bugs for them was playing it on a Steamdeck console, but it was the Windows version.

:(  Precisely when just yesterday someone told me on twitter they had beaten Emile and Bernard's routes without funding any bugs...

I apologize for taking so long between updates; as you probably know I'm really busy with Exes Assault, and my visual novels are something I do in my free time, since I have a full-time day job and a family that sucks most of my time. But I promise I'll make time to do an update cleaning bugs and fixing typos as soon as possible!

Please, follow my Twitter or my Discord server; I sadly don't have the time to update every social media, but I try to share a weekly screenshot of the scenes I'm working on that week. 

The Kickstarter page got an update one month ago, on January 7th.

Sorry, we have gone a bit out of scope, but we are working actively on the game and the release date will be announced as soon as we are confident there won't be more delays. Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your kind words, and let me apologize for the sad moment 😔 

Take a look at the main character in the page screenshots: that's the nudity you're going to find in the game.

Hilarious, with that old-school touch that brings back Sunday mornings watching cartoons as a child!

A really cool game.

El principio es muy bueno, y de verdad que me tenía enganchada: podía sentir perfectamente el duelo de Lucas por su mujer, su reticencia a hablar de su vida privada, la ilusión de Beltrán por su experimento. Pero no sé si es posible que el guión haya sido escrito por varias manos, pero a partir de un punto determinado, el texto de repente pierde calidad, y se siente apresurado, sin los detalles que lo hacían tan vivo, y con tantos errores que es imposible disfrutarlo. 

A ver si ahora que la jam se ha acabado le dais una pasada a la segunda mitad del texto, porque de verdad que este juego puede valer mucho lo pena cuando esté terminado.

¡Muchos ánimos! Espero con ansias la versión final.

Super interesante! Y te deja con ganas de más, de mucho más! Espero que pronto tengamos el capítulo 2, me muero de ganas de conocer a la nueva superheroína.

Thank you for your quick reply! I've realized it's the same with the "Loops" folder, silly me.

You outdid yourself this time, this pack is amazing!

But if I don't want to mess with the files (I have zero audio editing skills) and just want to use the songs as they sound on the youtube preview, which file should I use? It's a bit confusing with so many options.

No, sorry, he's taken!

Nope, sorry: both the artist and me (aka the writer and coder) are up to our eyebrows with work. But we'll do our best to release the game before the end of 2023.

Congratulations!! I wasn't able to back it this time, sadly, but I'm looking forward to buying the full version on release day!

Después de ver el vídeo, veo que tengo que añadir una explicación a lo que hace cada botón... La flecha (segundo botón del menú del cuadro de texto) es para la lectura automática. Si lo aprietas, el texto de ese cuadro se vuelve a cargar para darte tiempo a leerlo (¡no avanza como tú esperabas!). Para avanzar el texto, hay que hacer click en cualquier lugar de la pantalla o apretar "enter".

Muchas gracias!

Thank you very much for your kind words! <3

Oh, thank you, very insightful! <3

Ah, sorry! The game can be also played in English. It was made for a Vampire: The Masquerade game jam (similar setting to Anne Rice's novels, but with its own lore, spread through role-playing board game and the videogames).

Much appreciated!

Ah, that makes me so happy! Thank you for playing!

The game is going to be released on Steam for a modic prize (I'm thinking of $1.99), so it would be great if you recommended it to your friends ;)

What. Sorry, nobody reported that bug before, so perhaps it has to do with your computer's settings, or the game didn't install properly. Please, try deleting the game and the content stored in your system (see route below) and install it again.  I hope it helps!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

Will you make a downloadable version? Please?

Would you be so kind as to send me the save files, so I can recreate the error and see what's wrong? You can do it through a PM on Twitter or Discord, or to my email:

Following the guide you shouldn't get any kind of bug (I've tested it hundreds of times at this point), but I've been sent two save files with errors that will be fixed shortly. I hope that's the one you are also encountering and you can finally progress in the game! Sorry again for taking so long T_T

No, sorry, the itchio version is Paypal only, although I know some people use other kinds of pre-paid cards.

I expect so!

The pre-order is itchio only, it's not linked to Kickstarter. You can buy the game here and itchio will notify you via email the moment the game is available. You'll be able to claim a Steam key from your purchase page, too.

Sí, lo siento, no me da la vida para traducirlo todo, pero en cuanto pueda: lo tengo pendiente!

Perdona, no sé por qué, pero no he visto tu mensaje hasta hoy :(

El juego tiene 3 finales y 4 opciones posibles, dependiendo de la cantidad de elecciones que tengas que sean positivas hacia David ;)

Nope! Vampiro: la Mascarada. El juego de rol y el videojuego. Son vampiros modernos como en Anne Rice, pero tienen muchísimo lore propio.

Nope, but there's dub-con at the start of a route.