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Great game! I enjoyed playing through it a lot. I really liked the art, music/sound and the two endings. The best aspect, in my opinion, was the writing. The dialogue/interactions were really well done. They were engaging and interesting. Each interaction added something to the story/world of the game. 

Just a little feedback to consider if you're planning on making updates after the Game Jam: Being able to skip dialogue before it finishes typing out, and having a restart button at the ending so that the game can be replayed without reloading the page would be nice QOL upgrades. Also, having some interactions/text/events change based on the ending path you're on would add more to the second run. These are just small things though (and probably were not possible during the time limit), I really did like the game!


Thank you!   I actually had the ability to skip through dialogue early on, but people play testing said it was too easy to skip through it, so I changed it around a bit.  

This was my first time making a dialogue system from scratch in Unity, so I'm still trying to figure out that "sweet spot".  Ideally, I'd like it so clicking while it is typing populates the entire dialogue box with the sentence, and then you can click again to progress to the next one.  I'll probably keep building off this foundation until it's perfect in future games.  :D