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Great post. What paint program are you using for the art work? I love the ruin buildings.  

I do have one little piece of feedback for the edge of the swamp large tree stand image, within the image to the left i cannot help but see a face with x out eyes and a long tongue going into the water. I know its suppose to be two little crosses and tree roots being the other things in the water? Im not sure if others see it that way too? perhaps you could remove one of the crosses to make it less like a face.  

Thank you, Daza! I use Pyxel Edit for more than 95% of the time, and sometimes I copy some objects to modify them in GIMP - especially when I want to replace some colors with others.

And thank you for your feedback! I think I need to stop using these mushrooms if people perceive them as "crosses." : P Now that you mentioned the face, I wonder if I can add it somewhere purposefully. : D

I didn't even realize they were mushrooms.  They looked like generic ground cover/texture.

Thank you for your feedback! I'll now have these bad boys to work with. : P

I didn't see it until you mentioned it, but now it cannot be unseen.