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would normally say this idea was pretty expected out of this theme but it really became more interesting with the combo mechanic, which ended up feeling really satisfying to knock down one tall building and suddenly see a domino chain reaction of destruction that gave me a lot of money. Maybe a couple of explosions would have made it feel even better?

there are some small things i didnt like, such as the hammer feeling a bit odd to use, with buildings requiring 2 hits to knock down and there being a cooldown that isnt shown. i would have much rather it be that each building only requires 1 hit to knock down. additionally the building mechanic felt kind of unnecessary considering that so many buildings were being built automatically

regardless of that it was still really fun to see the combo meter rack up as the city gets destroyed

Thank you for taking the time to write such detailed feedback. I found this Jam difficult design-wise and towards the end of jam I found it difficult to get a lot of these ideas to stick. In playtesting;  the early game was too dull and required more player agency or the end game became a race condition of clicking down buildings in one hit. Post-jam I would like to revisit  these ideas and address some of the last minute decision that were made to help round out the game loop. I appreciate the critique and hope you still managed to have a decent time with it.

i completely understand running out of time, and honestly the game was still a ton of fun because of the sheer insanity of it, and i do think there is a lot you could do post jam, so good luck with whatever you decide to do!