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Thanks for playing my game, and yes, you're supposed to jump and shoot to hit the turret.

(3 edits) (+2)

Ah right.  Must have been my keyboard then not letting me.  It does that think where certain keys block others off.  So I couldn't jump and shoot.  I had to jump to see, then estimate where they were off-screen.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot to mention, wasn't a big fan of having to unload your clip to use souls bullets.  There was some strategy to it, in that you had to avoid shooting things you didn't want to, but I mostly found it annoying.

EDIT 2:  Also forgot to mention, great game feel on the shooting.
The sound, screen shake and particle effects of the shooting were all very satisfying.


The jumping and shooting works for me, but I will take that into consideration in the next builds. Maybe aiming for something off screen will be for some harder levels. And I will also reconsider the soul bullet mechanics. Thanks for the comments on game feel. I did learn about that during the jam so I'm very glad that a lot of people like it!