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What a nice little game!

The art is fantastic, and the music is lovely. I really liked how a frog falling didn't mean losing, but just dropping a level in difficulty, allowing you to keep going and beat it!

Using a single platform for all three frogs kinda trivialized the challenge tho. Maybe making it so that you can't draw a lily pad when more than one frog is on them (like if it was too heavy to move) would have supported better what I understand is the intended play.

Overall a lovely experience. Thank you for sharing it!


Oh, that's such a good suggestion! I think Itooh and I both noticed the one-platform strat shortly before the game went live, but your suggestion is a smart fix — I can easily see some SFX and motion intuitively implying heaviness. 

Thank you for sharing, and thanks so much for the kind words, as well!

That's a really clever suggestion! It would indeed fix that difficuly issue while still being easy to understand.

Thank you for your feedback! Cool that you liked how the levels were handled, I tried my best to have a difficulty that feel fair without being too punitive.