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Thanks a lot !

I modified again a bit the book to help the understanding hopefully and the way object were display so that it a bit less dark, but I should have had it more tested before by not me for the things like that 🙃

I think I tried to make something a bit too complicated, so here spoiler if you are blocked: if it works right, the second spell is meant to be used in the hole in the garden, when you click on the paper there. It should then reveal the content of that paper, with ingredient and another spell. And it's the same for that other one, it's meant to be used when you click on the cauldron and when you have put the other ingredients in the cauldron. I hope it helps !

Anyway I really like your comics and how they are draw and the way it is published, it's really cool to make things that open and that way in general. Also Pepper and Carrot are really cute and I think there is a good balance between individual story on each episode and Pepper changing and growing and a bit of overall plot.  But really it's very well draw and pretty, and almost all items of the game and the color are totally stolen and you could probably search for all the images of the comics used for everything 🙃 And my favorite character is the little donkey !